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Fremont County Recorder

Fremont County Recorder

  Tarah Berry, Recorder 
  506 Filmore St., PO Box 295 
  Sidney, Iowa 51652-0295
  PBX: 712-374-2315
  FAX: 712-374-2826

  Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F
  Holiday Closings: See 
Holiday Schedule
  Contact the County Recorder

  Fremont County GIS
  Fremont County Parcel Shape Files are available at Iowa GIS Repository


 Vital Records Notice:

  The application fee to request a search for an Iowa Birth, Death or Marriage Record for
  the Purpose of Obtaining a Certified Copy is $15.00

  For more information click here
vital records page.

The Recorders Office can now accept Visa and Mastercard credit/debit cards for payment.
Customers who make payment with their credit/debit card will be charged an additional service fee.

The Recorders Office will Record all instruments presented for recordation that are in compliance with the law. Original signatures with name printed or typed under signature, notarization of signatures, corporate seal if applicable. Documents signed on or after July 1, 2005, must meet document formatting standards pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 331.606BA $10.00 non-standard fee will be charged for all documents that do not conform to the requirements. See a list of all Efffective Fees.

*First page requirements include a 3" top margin; below the 3" margin: the names of all grantors and grantees; the name address, and telephone number of the individual who prepared the document; the name and complete mailing address of the taxpayer for any document of transfer; a return address; and the legal description. If insufficient space exist, the page number reference for any of the information shall be noted on the first page.

Some conveyances require Declaration of Value and Groundwater Hazard Forms with deeds, contracts, leases, and sale of buildings on leased land as required by law. The Declaration of Value form is available here in a
Fillable DOV Form  Please read the instructions comprised in form 57-011 before completing and filing this form. DOV Instructions are available here. 

The Groundwater Hazard fillable form is available by clicking on the available link. 
To view the 
Groundwater Hazard Instructions click on this link.

You may be required to file a Notice of Waste Disposal Site attachment #1. To view the Groundwater Hazard Instructions click on this link.


 Effective February 15, 2023 The Fremont County Recorder will only accept the Groundwater Hazard Form Dated 02/15/2023.

Indexes and Documents are now available on-line from 1981 to current on www.iowalandrecords.org/portal . There is no charge for inquires or copies from the Iowa Land Records website.

Recorders issue revenue stamps on deeds. First $500.00 is exempt, then .80 per each $500 or portion thereof. To figure your transfer tax please use calculator below. To see the Real Estate Tax Table click here.

Enter amount paid in the box below exclude commas (,) and dollar signs ($), then click submit.

Total Amount Paid
Rounded Up to Nearest $500 Increment
Taxable Amount
Amount Due = $  

Recorders furnish certified copies of instruments of record in the office with payment of proper fees. Fees are $5.00 for certification and .50 per page.

Recorders issue hunting, trapping, and fishing license, including special licenses for deer and turkey. Drivers license or ID card is required for identification

Visa and Mastercard credit/debit cards will be accepted for payment. Customers who make payment with their credit/debit card will be charged an additional service fee.

Register and title boats, snowmobiles, and ATVs:

NOTICE: Sales Tax is Collected on all Boat, Snowmobile & ATV Sales.

                              NEW-- HF 2130 Off-Highway-Vehicle Frequently Asked Questions 

NEW Boats, Snowmobiles & ATV's purchased from a dealer require a Bill of Sale and Manufacturers Statement of Origin, other information required is the length, width, capacity and color.

USED Boats, Snowmobiles & ATV's purchased from a dealer require Bill of Sale, registration and title if a titled boat, snowmobile or ATV.

USED Boats, Snowmobiles & ATV's purchased from an individual require Bill of Sale, registration and title if a titled boat, snowmobile or ATV.

Issue Marriage Licenses, Birth and Death Certificates of events that occurred in Fremont County. Proper Identification, information is required. Cash or money order only will be accepted for payment. Before applying please read this Vital Records Notice.

Report Monthly to the Board of Supervisors all fees collected and paying into the county treasury fees payable to the county. Report to the Department of Natural Resources, department of Revenue and Finance, Department of Public (vital records) and remit fees collected.

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Fremont County506 Filmore StreetSidney, IA  51652

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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