Board of Supervisors Minutes
August 2017

August 1, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson and Graham present.  Hickey was not present for this meeting. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that Sandy Parmenter with the Valley News was present for this meeting. Also present was Assistant Engineer Robbie Kromminga. 

Engineer Dan Davis met with the board for the signing of an agreement with HGM Associates for engineering & surveying services on the J-24 Project. Motion made by Graham to authorize Chairman Hendrickson sign the agreement. Motion carried unanimously. 

Chairman Hendrickson stated that he spoke with the county attorney and the board declined to discuss the previous oral complaint regarding Engineer Dan Davis. 

Kristi O’Neal, Assistant Auditor, met with the board regarding Department 58’s portion of the rent at the Nishnabotany Lodge building now that the department has closed. Graham made a motion that Social Services absorb that portion of the rent. Social Services currently budgets 100% for the rent and is reimbursed from other departments. Motion carried unanimously. 

The board discussed having a performance review for Engineer Davis. This item will be placed on the agenda for next week. 

Troy Housh, Maintenance, met with the board requesting approval of the Lawn World contract renewal.  Hendrickson moved to approve the Lawn World contract for the sprinkler system in the courtyard.  Motion carried unanimously. 

County Attorney Brenna Bird stopped in to visit with the board. 

In other business, claims for August 4, 2017, were approved

At 9:36 a.m., there being no further business, Graham made the motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                 Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

August 8, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that Sandy Parmenter with the Valley News and Clifford Davis from The Hamburg Reporter were present for this meeting.  

Mayor Tom Shull and Council Person Jane Wilson with the City of Farragut met with the board regarding a new hog confinement proposal that would be near the city. Also present were City Attorney Mahlon Sorensen, Randy Schaeffer, Kirk Shearer, & Carlen Devereaux. Shull discussed the actions that he has already taken regarding the hog confinements. They discussed possibly having public hearings with the board in attendance to educate people in the county. Also discussed was the city filing something to stop the permitting due to the possibility that their water source could be contaminated. Supervisor Graham stated that the Iowa DNR’s hands are tied as well. If the owner keeps the numbers under the required number of head of hogs that the Iowa Code says they can operate. Mr. Devereaux thought that if one owner has more than the 2500 head even if they are in separate buildings they would fall under more strict regulations. City Attorney Sorensen stated that he would look in to that Code Section to see if that is an option to pursue. Graham stated that he would stand behind any efforts to combat CFO’s in the county if they were within the parameters of the law. 

Hickey made the motion to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign the Iowa Economic Development Authority CDBG-NDR Program Contract Amendment. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 9:48 a.m., Graham made the motion to go into closed session for an employee’s performance evaluation pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) and at the request of the employee being reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 10:26 a.m., Hickey made a motion to go out of closed session. Motion carried unanimously. 

Troy Housh, Maintenance, & Mike Davidshofer with Bat Experts in Omaha, NE, met with the board regarding bat removal in the courthouse. Arnold Emberton, IT/Maintenance Supervisor, was also present. Davidshofer stated that he will not handle our removal process if it only includes the chimney and does not include the whole building. He stated that removing them from the chimney will not solve our problem. The whole building must be sealed off. He guarantees this will solve the issue. He will come back free of charge if we have any issues in the future. Motion made by Hickey to accept the proposal from The Bat Experts for complete bat removal for $9982.00 to be paid out of county betterment. Motion carried unanimously. 

The board considered an approval or consent to entry of decree in favor of the petitioner, The City of Hamburg, in case number EQCV025117. Hickey made the motion to entry of decree in favor of the petitioner. Motion carried unanimously. 

The monthly reports for the Recorder’s Office and Sheriff’s Office were approved. 

Claims were approved for August 11, 2017

At 10:55 a.m., there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

August 15, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, August 15, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that Sandy Parmenter with the Valley News was present for this meeting. 

Angie Sheldon & Beth Lueth with Percival Hometown Pride met with the board regarding drainage ditches. Sheldon stated that they had sent letters to Engineer Dan Davis and to the board of supervisors regarding concerns about standing water in the ditches near Percival. Sheldon says the road department had responded very quickly to their request to have the ditches cleaned out. They have cleaned out the north and south ditches. They are going to survey the east and west ditches to see if two pipes need to be replaced or just cleaned out. Sheldon stated that things are improving and they are thankful for the progress. 

Motion was made by Hickey to approve the Cigarette/Tobacco/Nicotine/Vapor Permit for Sapp Bros. Inc. Motion carried unanimously. 

Assistant Engineer Robbie Kromminga met with the board for the signing two payment vouchers. Motion made by Hickey to sign IDOT payment voucher with McClure Engineering Company for Project #BRS-CO36(74)- -60-36 for box replacement over Plum Creek. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion made by Graham to sign IDOT payment voucher with HGM Associates for Project #BRS-CO36(76)- -60-36 for engineering services for J-34 over Mule Slough bridge replacement. Motion carried unanimously. 

Jane Wilson, Anne M. Travis, Sally Bateman, Lyle and Alice Hodde, and Julie Goergen met with the board to discuss the proposed hog confinement near Farragut and elsewhere in the county. Wilson showed pictures of the area to the board.

Travis spoke regarding the manure spillage on the roadways possibly containing antibiotics and other harmful contaminates. Lyle Hodde cited an article about some Missouri Counties that are passing ordinances regarding health concerns to halt the confinements. Also discussed were a possible road use tax & ordinances for trespassing or nuisance. The board urged those in attendance to contact their legislators. 

At 9:45 a.m., motion was made by Hickey to sign the proclamation declaring September 23rd through October 1st Loess Hills and Heritage Week. This proclamation urges the public, private and volunteer groups during this time to promote Loess Hills, educate the public about them and encourage all to see and enjoy this rare precious region. Motion carried unanimously.  

Claims were approved for August 18, 2017

At 10:00 a.m., there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

August 22, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, August 22, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that EMC Mike Crecelius, IT Arnold Emberton, Pat Sheldon, Rick Barton, Dan Sturm, Craig Marshall, Jerry Berry, Sheriff Kevin Aistrope, and Sandy Parmenter with the Valley News were present for this meeting. 

Shari Schultz and Kathie Hansel with Motorola Solutions met with the board regarding the ISICS Platform for new digital radio system throughout Iowa. The presentation was on the benefits of the utilizing the statewide system. Various county departments could use this system to use talk groups across the State of Iowa. Hamburg would be an area that would need additional work to enhance coverage possibly through existing fiber optic lines there. They can use existing radio consoles with consolettes which will avoid buying new consoles for dispatch. There are still areas by the bluff with coverage issues such as Waubonsie State Park. Solutions include adding more towers or repeaters for radios. Some financing options are an emergency levy, bonds, or Motorola offers 0% financing for 2 years on a 10-year term. These are options that will need to be explored further. There is no help from the state in funding because this is not a mandated process; however, not going ahead with this means that eventually we would not be able to communicate with other departments in other counties. The cost per radio is $3,000 to $5,000. Hansel will reach out to local fire departments for numbers. She will provide cost estimates to Crecelius to distribute to those departments. 

EMC Mike Crecelius met with the board to discuss the Hazard Mitigation Plan. He received the letter from FEMA stating that the plan has been approved. The only thing left is for each jurisdiction to adopt the plan formally.

Motion was made by Hickey to approve the Cigarette/Tobacco/Nicotine/Vapor Permit for Sidney Foods. Motion carried unanimously. 

Engineer Dan Davis met with the board for the signing of payment voucher with McClure Engineering

Company for Project #BRS-CO36(74)- -60-36, box replacement over Plum Creek. Motion made by Hickey to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign the payment voucher. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 10:58 a.m., Graham made the motion to go into closed session for an employee’s performance evaluation pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) and at the request of the employee being reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 11:11 a.m., Hickey made a motion to go out of closed session. Motion carried unanimously. 

At   11:11 a.m., Graham made the motion to go into closed session for an employee’s performance evaluation pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) and at the request of the employee being reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 11:20 a.m., Hickey made a motion to go out of closed session. Motion carried unanimously. 

Claims were approved for August 25, 2017

At 11:22 a.m., there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

August 29, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, August 29, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that Sandy Parmenter with the Valley News and Clifford Davis from The Hamburg Reporter were present for this meeting. 

Kathy Brennan with Grape Community Hospital met with the board regarding county employees being involved in with a full scale countywide disaster drill. It will involve the towns of Tabor, Sidney & Hamburg. The drill is on Friday, September 22nd,. She is here to request that some county employees be allowed to take paid time off to attend the drill. This would affect three or four employees at the secondary roads department. They would miss approximately three to four hours of work. Motion by Graham to allow the employees paid time off to participate in the disaster drill with compensation. Motion carried unanimously. 

David Owen, Fremont County Coroner, and John Travis met with the board regarding autopsies for the county. The Iowa State Medical Examiner’s Office is taking two to three weeks for autopsies due to short staff and budgetary constraints. Owen would like to begin using Douglas County again for autopsies. The concern is that families who have lost loved ones are now having to wait up to 3 weeks for the autopsies to be complete which is a hardship for already grieving families. Douglas County would do any autopsies in which no foul play was involved. They guarantee completion within 24-hour. The cost is comparable to what we are paying now and we wouldn’t be paying mileage for the funeral directors to transport to and from Ankeny. Motion made by Hickey to approve resuming the use of Douglas County for autopsies. Motion carried unanimously. 

Robbie Kromminga, Assistant Engineer, met with the board for the signing of a temporary easement purchase agreement with Phillip J. & Nicollete A. McCollough on Project # STP-S-CO36(75)—5E-36 (J-24). Motion made by Hickey to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign the agreement. Motion carried unanimously. 

Graham briefly discussed the proposed hog confinement near Farragut. 

Claims were approved for September 1, 2017

At 9:18 a.m., Graham made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

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