Board of Supervisors Minutes
April 2017

April 4, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that Kristan Gray with the Valley News was present for this meeting.  

Mary King met with the board regarding the condition of road ditches by her home on Bluff Road. She presented a packet with photos of the water flow issues. She asked that the board drive out to look at the area. She showed that there was a tube installed too high & it was not allowing the water to drain. Robbie Kromminga, Assistant Engineer, was present for this meeting. He stated that the road department is looking in to replacing the tube. The board urged her to talk to NRCS and  her drainage district trustees, as well.  

Robbie Kromminga, Assistant Engineer, met with the board for approval of a resolution. A public hearing on the vacation of a portion of 280th Avenue was held on March 28, 2017, there was no input from the public at that time. The board approved the following resolution:


Fremont County Resolution No. 2017-24

WHEREAS, A public hearing was held on March 28th, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. on the proposed vacation and closure of a portion of Fremont County Secondary Road, described as follows:

    A portion of 280th Avenue, originally established as Road No. 405 (Book 4, page 114) established on August 1, 1889 lying on the East line of Section 27, T70N, R42W of the 5th PM, Fremont County, Iowa. The intention of this road closure is to vacate a portion of the public road as now established (original and with modifications) commencing at a point 2290ft North of the SE corner of Section 27, T70N, R42W being the point of beginning: thence north along the east line of said section 27, a distance of 990ft and terminating at a point 2000ft south of the NE corner of Section 27, T70N, R42W of the 5th PM, Fremont County, Iowa. See Exhibit A.

WHEREAS, no objections have been received, either in writing or by persons present. 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors that the section of roadway from the E1/4 of Section 27, T69N, R42W be ordered vacated and closed. 

Motion made by Graham and seconded by Hickey.

Approved this 4th day of April, 2017.


/s/ Dee Owen                                                                           /s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman      

Fremont County Auditor      

Motion made by Hickey to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign a dust control suppliers permit for 2017 season for Jerico Services, Inc. and for Sapp Bros. Petroleum. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion made by Hickey to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign work in right-of-way permit for Windstream Communications, LLC for placing copper cable due to an upcoming culvert project at 1391 Plum Creek Road, Thurman. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion made by Graham to approve renewal of Class C Beer Permit, Sunday Sales Liquor License for Pilot Travel Center #238. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 9:28 a.m., Twila Larson with FREDCO met with the board regarding an upcoming agenda item involving the Lewis & Clark Trail Resolution. She presented a packet with the Lewis & Clark Trail Master Plan “Today Route” and Adventure Cycling Association’s Lewis & Clark Bicycle Trail Comparison. There were maps included showing the route area. The resolution endorsing the application is on the board’s agenda for April 11, 2017. 

Motion was made by Hickey to approve the following Tax Abatement Resolution for City of Randolph.  Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS, the City of Randolph now owns certain property in Randolph, Fremont County, Iowa, Parcel No. 450450116000000, described as:  LOTS 1 through 10, Block 23, City of Randolph, Fremont County, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof.

WHEREAS, the property is now owned by the City of Randolph and therefore should not be on the tax rolls according to Section 427.1(2), Code of Iowa,

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above described property shall be listed as exempt on the tax list of the Fremont County Auditor.  Further, all current and delinquent real property taxes totaling $447.00 are abated under Iowa Code Section 445.63.

BE IT FURTHER resolved that the Auditor and Treasurer shall enter such change orders required to abate these taxes.

Dated this 4th day of April, 2017.

Motion made by Hickey and carried unanimously.




/s/Dee Owen


/s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman


Fremont County Auditor


/s/ Randy Hickey




/s/ Terry Graham


At 9:35 a.m. Motion was made by Hickey to approve the Cost Advisory Services, Inc. contract.  The consultant will develop annual central services cost allocation plans based on actual costs incurred for fiscal years 2017, 2018 and 2019. The cost is $4125.00 per year, an increase of $675.00 from the last contract. Motion carried unanimously. 

Let the records show that Sheriff Kevin Aistrope joined the meeting. 

Randy Monroe met with the board regarding nuisance properties in Anderson. The problem has not gone away. He wanted to come in as a reminder that there is still an issue. Robbie Kromminga, Assistant Engineer and Kevin Aistrope, Sheriff, discussed the nuisance abatement process. Due to the loss of the former county attorney and a road department employee the notices were inadvertently overlooked. The road department will prepare the notices for the sheriff to serve to start the process again. 

The board discussed the appointment of a new Civil Service Commission member to fill the vacancy of the position held by Dean Moody that expired December 31, 2016. The board discussed possible candidates for the position. Hickey made a motion to table action on this item until next week. Motion carried unanimously. 

In other business, claims were approved for April 7, 2017

At 10:01 a.m., there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

April 11, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson and Graham present.  Let the records show that Hickey was not present for this meeting. A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Sandy Parmenter from the Hamburg Reporter was present for this meeting. 

The official canvass of the Sidney School Special Election on April 4, 2017, was held. There were 199 residents that voted in this election. The PPEL vote passed with 124 “yes” votes and 75 “no” votes. Matthew McLaren was elected to fill-a-vacancy on Sidney School Board for the residue of the vacant term with 174 votes. Graham made a motion to approve the results of the Sidney School Special Election. Motion carried unanimously. 

Brian Leaders with the National Park Service and Becca Castle of Golden Hills RCD met with the board regarding a resolution designating the Lewis and Clark Trail “Today Route” as a state bike route. There is funding that was applied for through the Iowa Department of Transportation in 2013 that is still available to complete this project. The federal government is discussing taking this money back if it is not used. There are six counties that are being asked to sign the resolution. Those counties are Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills, and Fremont. They require matching funds from each county to participate. Fremont County’s portion would be $3200.00. This would help pay for signage provided by DOT and installed by a private contractor. The county responsibility after that point would be to maintenance and monitor signs. If a sign were missing or damaged, the DOT would replace the sign at no cost, but county would reinstall. Graham made a motion to table the signing the resolution until the county attorney can review it. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 9:42 a.m., Graham made the motion to appoint Dustin Sheldon to the Civil Service Commission for the two-year term ending December 31, 2019. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion made by Hendrickson to approve Class C Native Wine, Outdoor Service, Sunday Sales Liquor License for Sugar Clay Winery & Vineyard. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion made by Hendrickson to approve Class B Wine, Class C Liquor, Outdoor Service, & Sunday Sales Liquor License for Wild’s Property Management. Motion carried unanimously. 

Alexis Fleener, SWIPCO, met with the board regarding the resolution adopting the Fremont County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. All items that the board previously addressed as action items have been completed. Motion made by Graham to approve signing the resolution. Motion carried unanimously.




WHEREAS, Fremont County and its participating jurisdictions have completed their portions of the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan; and

WHEREAS, review of the Hazard Mitigation Plan was open to the public; and,

WHEREAS, Fremont County has reviewed the recommendations of the Hazard Mitigation Plan and is in agreement with the priorities contained herein;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Fremont County hereby adopts the Fremont County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, as amended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for approval, as the guiding document for hazard mitigation in the county.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of April, 2017.


/s/ Dee Owen                                                                           /s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman
Fremont County Auditor 

Fleener also spoke to the board about an updated contract for the University of Iowa Flood Center from IEDA.  Graham made a motion to table the signing of the contract until the county attorney has reviewed it. Motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the agenda for next week. 

Fleener presented a resolution adopting certain policies, rules, and regulations during the performance of the community development block grant program. Motion made by Hendrickson to approve the resolution. Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS:            Fremont County wishes to reduce the impact of flooding; and,
WHEREAS:            Fremont County was awarded $1,842,666.00 through the Iowa Economic Development Authority, Community Development Block Grant Program, Project #13-NDRI-004, in which to complete this work; and,
WHEREAS:            Fremont County must adopt certain policies and abide by certain rules and laws during the performance of this project.


Fremont County hereby adopts the following policies and statements, and authorizes and directs the Chairman to sign the same:

•               Fremont County - Code of Conduct
•               Fremont County - Procurement Policy
•               Fremont County - Equal Opportunity Policy
•               Fremont County - Excessive Force Requirements
•               Fremont County - Affirmative Fair Housing Policy
•               Fremont County - Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan

Adopted this 11th day of April, 2017.


/s/ Dee Owen                                                                           /s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman
Fremont County Auditor

The entirety of the resolution and each policy are available for viewing on the Fremont County Website and in the Fremont County Auditor’s Office. 

Fremont County Engineer, Dan Davis, met with the board.  Motion was made by Graham to authorize Chairman Hendrickson to sign a work in right-of-way permit for Windstream Communications, LLC to place new copper cable 2.52 miles west of 300th Avenue on 120th Street. Motion carried unanimously. 

The Recorder’s Monthly Report for March was approved. 

In other business, claims were approved for April 14, 2017

At 10:14 a.m., there being no further business, Graham made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

April 18, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that County Attorney Brenna Bird, Staci Scroggie, John Schlorholtz, and Kristan Gray with the Valley News was present for this meeting. 

Motion was made by Hickey to sign Wellmark Insurance renewal forms.  The county remains on the same plan as in years past.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Engineer Dan Davis met with the board for the signing of the following:

Motion made by Hickey to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign a contract for a temporary electrical easement with Thomas & Tracy Vanatta for Project #BRS-CO36(74) - - 60-36. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Hickey to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign contract for a temporary electrical easement with Katherine Hurst and Mary Jane Wallahan for Project #BRS-CO36(74) - - 60-36. Motion carried unanimously. 
Motion made by Graham to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign
temporary easements on Project #STP-S-CO36(75) - - 5E-36 for Lester & Teresa Achenbach & Jeremy & Kari Kaufman. Motion carried unanimously. 
Motion made by Graham to allow Chairman Hendrickson to sign an agreement for 2017 Bridge Inspections by HGM Associates Inc. for the estimate amount of $44,950.00 for 125 structures. Motion carried unanimously. 
Davis also discussed the possible repairs of Cemetery Road and an access to an 11-acre piece of ground in 4-69-40.  

After a brief discussion with Fremont County Attorney Brenna Bird regarding details of the resolution endorsing application to Iowa Department of Transportation for bike route signing & designating the Lewis & Clark Trail “Today Route” as a State Bike Route, motion was made by Graham to sign resolution. Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS, the Lewis and Clark Trail “Today Route” was identified to create a shared bike route that parallels the Missouri River and the Historic Lewis and Clark Trail to provide a designated bike route of nearly 209 miles through 6 counties using City, County and State roadways as a shared use route; and
WHEREAS, this effort is carried out through volunteer work and cooperation between interested citizens, organizations, local governments, and the Iowa Department of Transportation; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Transportation, through a Federal Grant, shall provide project funding not to exceed $231,000 requiring a minimum 20% match that will fund final route identification, a signage plan, bidding, installation and all other costs related to the project as approved prior to proceeding with the project; and
WHEREAS, the affiliated cities and counties that agree to participate in this project also agree to participate in the final route planning, sign location planning and assist in project funding to the best of their ability; and
WHEREAS, upon designation, applicants are responsible for funding tourism and promotional plans and activities and no federal or state funding is inherent with designation as a state Bike Route; and
WHEREAS, upon approval, the Frontier Iowa Trails committee in partnership with Pottawattamie County Conservation, will sponsor and lead an effort to place Bike Route signs specific to the Lewis and Clark Trail along the identified route and will provide initial costs for development; and
WHEREAS, each affiliated city or county will be responsible for periodic sign inventory to ensure maintenance, and replacement of signs as needed; and
WHEREAS, Iowa Department of Transportation will be responsible for work needed on state routes to properly repair or reinstall such signs once initially installed; and
WHEREAS, local city and county jurisdictions along the bike route will be responsible for work needed in their jurisdiction to properly repair or reinstall such signs once initially installed; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Fremont County, Iowa, desires to endorse the designation of the Lewis and Clark Bike Trail as an Iowa Bike Route.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Fremont County, Iowa, that:

The County endorses this application requesting designation of the Lewis and Clark Bike Trail as a state bike trail and accepts the responsibilities and expectations of such designation as described above.

The above Resolution passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Fremont County, Iowa this 18th day of April, 2017.


/s/ Dee Owen                                                                           /s/ Earl Hendrickson, Chairman 
Fremont County Auditor 

The board discussed the updated contract for the University of Iowa Flood Center from IDEA. County Attorney Brenna Bird stated that she thinks that a portion in paragraph 15 subsection (a) should be changed from “University of Iowa” to “Contractor” as previously stated. Hickey moved to table the signing until next week when the change has been made. Motion carried unanimously. 

Staci Scroggie, Early Childhood Director of Corner Counties Early Childhood Area (CCECA), met with the board to ask that one of the board members volunteer for a position on her Corner Counties Early Childhood Development Area Board that must be filled by an elected official. They meet four to five times per year with the next meeting being in May. The meetings are from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. She updated the board on services being provided by CCECA. She also discussed funding cuts to the program. Motion made by Hendrickson to appoint Randy Hickey to CCECA Board. Motion carried unanimously. 

The board discussed the recommendation of the Conservation Board to hire Bill Clark as the new Fremont County Golf Course Superintendent to replace Lonnie Shanno, who is retiring. The county attorney will look at designing a contract for the new employee as there hasn’t been one in the past. Hickey moved to approve the hiring of Bill Clark with a start date of April 24, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.  

John Schlorholtz of the West Benton Drainage District met with the board to give an update regarding the district. He stated that the merger meeting is set for April 19, 2017. At that meeting, if the merger is approved they will set a date for the annexation and classification hearings which will be at the end of May sometime. 

The Sheriff’s Monthly Report was approved for March. 

In other business, claims were approved for April 21, 2017

At 10:13 a.m., there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman

April 25, 2017:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hendrickson, Hickey, and Graham present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved. The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show that Kristan Gray with the Valley News Today and Sandy Parmenter with the Hamburg Reporter were present for this meeting. Also, present was Bill Ettleman. 

The board received a conference call from Page County Board of Supervisors regarding setting a levy rate for Johnson Run Drainage District. Page County has approximately $40,000 in the fund and there are repairs needed. A 25% levy will generate approximately $1,900 in Fremont County’s portion of the district. Motion by Page County Supervisor Chuck Morris to levy 25% for Johnson Run Drainage District. Graham seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 

Steve Adkins met with the board to discuss a culvert on 200th Street and Possum Creek. He previously discussed this with the board on May 31, 2016. Dan Davis, Fremont County Engineer, met with Adkins last year regarding this ditch. Hickey will go look at the ditch & talk to the engineer regarding this issue. Bill Ettleman discussed the south side of the basin that also has issues. Hickey advised the drainage district is planning to address that problem with a tube and a flap gate.  

Mike Crecelius, EMC, met with the board regarding the Hazard Mitigation Plan. There are several typographical and informational errors in what was submitted to FEMA. We used $35,000 in grant money to pay for these services from SWIPCO. Alexsis Fleener with SWIPCO prepared this document. The portion that the board reviewed in a previous meeting was correct. It was the portion that Fleener prepared that must be corrected. Crecelius will contact Fleener to discuss this issue. 

Jan Zach and Curt Boyd with Mule Slough Drainage District met with the board regarding the merger of Mule Slough Drainage District with West Benton Drainage District that took place on April 19, 2017. They also discussed hiring new counsel for an outstanding bill for pumps in the district as the attorney that they had previously dealt with this was not available to take the case. Boyd, Zach, and Brian Johnson went last Friday morning to meet with Attorney Joe Narmi in Council Bluffs. They will retain him as counsel for this matter. Zach and Boyd gave the board of supervisors further information on the issues with the pumps.  

The board discussed the updated contract for the University of Iowa Flood Center from IDEA. Hickey moved to sign the contract with changes made by SWIPCO. Motion carried unanimously.    

Judy Crain, Treasurer, submitted a letter to the board on April 19, 2017, stating that she will officially retire on June 2, 2017. She would like the board to consider appointing Alise Snyder to the position. Hickey made a motion to accept the resignation. Motion carried unanimously. 

Wendy Stenzel, Auditor’s Office, presented the board with the levy information on the board controlled drainage districts.  The board reviewed the information and set the levy rates. 

Motion by Hickey to approve the renewal of the Class C, Outdoor Service, Sunday Sales Liquor License for Williams-Jobe-Gibson Post No. 128. Motion carried unanimously. 

In other business, claims were approved for April 28, 2017

At 9:50 a.m., there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Earl Hendrickson, Chairman
















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