Board of Supervisors Minutes
January 2016

January 5, 2016:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, January 5, 2016, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Hickey, Hendrickson and Morgan present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show present for this meeting was, Sandra Parmenter with The Hamburg Reporter.  Nick Johansen, Shenandoah Valley News.  Also present was Arnold Emberton.  

The board approved the followings Resolutions to Reorganize the Board for year 2016.   


WHEREAS, motion was made by Hendrickson to appoint Morgan, Board Chairman and a motion was made by Hickey to appoint Hendrickson as Board Vice Chairman.

WHEREAS, the Board Chairman may make motions and vote as any other member of the Board.

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 5th day of January 2016 that Supervisor Morgan is appointed Board Chairman and Supervisor Hendrickson is appointed to the position of Vice-Chairman.

/s/ Joan Kirk      /s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman  aye
Fremont County Auditor     /s/ Earl Hendrickson  aye
                                                                     /s/ Randy Hickey  aye


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 5th day of January 2016, that the 2016 committee appointments are as follows: 

Supervisor Hendrickson – Tourism Board, Welcome Center Board, FREDCO, West Central Development, Landfill, Local Emergency Response, Southwest Iowa Juvenile Emergency Services Board and County Safety Committee.

Supervisor Hickey – DECAT Board, DHS Service Advisory Board, Emergency Management Commission, Waubonsie Mental Health, Regional Planning Affiliate Board, Board of Health, Clarinda Mental Health Center Advisory Board and Workforce Development.

Supervisor Morgan - Loess Hills Alliance, Loess Hills Authority, Hungry Canyons Authority, Hungry Canyons Alliance, Southwest Iowa Transit, Southwest Iowa Planning Council,

Fourth Judicial 28E Board and Zion Recovery Board and Local Emergency Response.

Morgan, Hendrickson and Hickey appointed to E911 Board with one vote.

Motion was made by Morgan.

/s/ Joan Kirk      /s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman  aye
Fremont County Auditor     /s/ Earl Hendrickson  aye
                                                                     /s/ Randy Hickey  aye


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 5th day of January 2016, that the Board will hold its regular meetings on Tuesday of each week in the office of the Fremont County Courthouse, Sidney, Iowa, commencing at 9:00 a.m. until business is concluded.      

Motion made by Morgan.

/s/ Joan Kirk      /s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman  aye
Fremont County Auditor     /s/ Earl Hendrickson  aye
                                                                     /s/ Randy Hickey  aye


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 5th day of January 2016 that the Sidney Argus-Herald and The Hamburg Reporter be designated as the County's official newspapers for 2016.

Motion to approve made by Hickey.

/s/ Joan Kirk      /s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman  aye
Fremont County Auditor     /s/ Earl Hendrickson  aye
                                                                     /s/ Randy Hickey  aye

Kevin Aistrope, Sheriff, requesting approval of the following new hire resolution.  Steve Owen was also present.  Motion was made by Hendrickson to approve the following Resolution 2016-5 as presented by Sheriff Aistrope.  Motion carried unanimously.  


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Fremont County Board of Supervisors this 5th day of January, 2016, that the following individual shall be approved as Jailer for the Fremont County Sheriff’s Department, as requested by the Fremont County Sheriff Kevin Aistrope.  The effective date of employment shall be December 28, 2015:

Tammie Marie Langfelt.

Motion was made by Hendrickson.




/s/ Joan Kirk 


/s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman


Fremont County Auditor


/s/ Earl Hendrickson




/s/ Randy Hickey


The board discussed a maintenance agreement to maintain the county’s new boiler.  Hendrickson made a motion to use Prairie Mechanical Corporation for maintaining the boiler, and someone local for maintenance to the air conditioners in the courthouse.  Emberton will have Prairie Mechanical Corporation send a revised maintenance agreement that covers just the boiler.  

The Compensation Board Recommendations for 2016/2017 salaries were 7.5% and County Attorney and Sheriff and 4.5% for everyone else.  Motion was made by Hendrickson to drop the percentages by 1/3rd for everyone.  The Sheriff and County Attorney will receive 5% while Auditor, Recorder and Treasurer will receive 3%.  Motion carried unanimously.        

Motion was made by Hickey to approve Class C/Outdoor Service/Sunday Sales Liquor License for PL County Line, LLC.   

The Recorder’s Report for the month of December, 2015 was approve as presented. 

In other business, claims for January 8, 2016, were approved.

At 9:55 a.m. there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously.


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Cara Morgan, Chairman

January 12, 2016:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Morgan, Hendrickson and Hickey present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board requesting approving of the following: 

This item removed by engineer:  Sign payment voucher with HGM for Engineering Services for Bridge Replacement per agreement dated 10/19/15.  

Motion to approve made by Hickey, to sign Title Sheet for pavement markings at various Fremont County locations, Project #FM-CO36(72) -- 55-36.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Hickey to lower the Compensation Board’s recommendation by 33% opposed to the previously stated 1/3rd to comply with the Iowa Code  stating “shall be reduced an equal percentage.”  This is no change to the 5% the Sheriff and County Attorney will receive and 3% the Auditor, Recorder and Treasurer will receive.

At 9:05 a,m. there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Cara Morgan, Chairman

January 19, 2016:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Morgan, Hendrickson and Hickey present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show present for this meeting was Nick Johansen, Shenandoah Valley News.  

Motion was made by Hendrickson to approve a bid of $1,306.00 from Holmes Construction to install a new countertop in the lady’s restroom.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Hendrickson to approve the following Tax Abatement Resolution for City of Randolph.  Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS, the City of Randolph now owns certain property in Randolph, Fremont County, Iowa, Parcel Number for the concerned property is 450405093000000, described as:  Lot 4 in Block 19 in the ORIGINAL TOWN OF RANDOLPH, FREMONT COUNTY, IOWA, according to the recorded plat thereof. 

WHEREAS, the property is now owned by the City of Randolph and therefore should not be on the tax rolls according to Section 427.1(2), Code of Iowa,

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above described property shall be listed as exempt on the tax list of the Fremont County Auditor.  Further, all current and delinquent real property taxes totaling $355.00 are abated under Iowa Code Section 445.63.

BE IT FURTHER resolved that the Auditor and Treasurer shall enter such change orders required to abate these taxes.

Motion made by Hendrickson to approve resolution.

Dated this 19th day of January 2016. 




/s/ Joan Kirk 


/s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman


Fremont County Auditor


/s/ Earl Hendrickson




/s/ Randy Hickey


Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board for approval of the following items. 

Motion was made by Hendrickson to approve a Resolution to revise 2016 5-Year Program.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Hendrickson to sign payment voucher with HGM Associates for the following projects:  1.) J-18 (US 275 to L-68) for Construction Services, per Agreement 3/16/15.  (12/1/15 through 12/30/15).  2.) Engineering Services for bridge replacement at J-22/150th over W Nishna, per Agreement 3/16/15 (12/1/15 through 12/31/16).  3.)  J-18 Resurfacing for Engineering Services per Agreement 10/27/14 (12/1/15 through 12/31/15).  Motion carried unanimously. 

The board discussed the condition of the old jail facility.  Morgan said she would like to have a structural engineer look at the building to determine if it is beyond repair before deciding if it should be demolished.  Hickey made a motion to approve hiring a structural engineer.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Hickey to approve the Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report.  Motion carried unanimously. 

The board discussed a deep cleaning of the courthouse.  Morgan felt depending on the cost she would like to see the courthouse deep cleaned annually or possibly every two years.  Hickey made a motion to get a bid for deep cleaning of the courthouse.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Hendrickson to approve a 1 year maintenance agreement with Prairie Mechanical Corporation for $1,849.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Morgan presented a draft job description to the other board members to get their thoughts on whether the description needed to be adjusted or changed in any way.  Hickey made a motion to approve the description as presented for the courthouse custodian.  Motion carried unanimously.  Also present was Arnold Emberton and Dee Owen.  The oversight portion was tabled. 

Dee Owen, Auditor’s Office, met with the board regarding the Canvass of the 2016 Drainage Elections.  Motion was made by Hickey to declare the elections official.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Dee Owen, Auditor’s Office, was requesting approval of a 2016 Wellness Contract.  Motion was made by Hickey to approve the contract.  Motion carried unanimously.

In other business the Sheriff’s Monthly Report for the month of December 2015 was approved. 

Also approved were claims for January 22, 2016

At 10:15 a.m. there being no further business, Hickey made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Cara Morgan, Chairman

January 26, 2016:

The Fremont County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, January 26, 2016, in the Fremont County Courthouse Boardroom, with Morgan, Hendrickson and Hickey present.  A quorum was declared and the meeting officially called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Minutes of the previous board session were read and approved.  The agenda was approved as posted. 

Let the records show present for this meeting was, Nick Johansen, Shenandoah Valley New, Paul Hutt, Mark Travis, Cory Becker, Bob Benton, Susan Shepherd and Dr. Chris Herrick. 

The board received a conference call from Page County Board of Supervisors regarding setting a levy rate for Johnson run Drainage Ditch.  Richardson feels there is a significant amount of work that needs to be completed on the levee and trees need to be cut.  The Page County Engineer is willing to do the project but will need secondary roads to be repaid from the drainage district.  Richardson said they have about $43,000 in the fund at this time, and made a motion to set the levy at 25% to help replenish the funds in the drainage district.  Roll call vote:  Hickey, aye; Morgan aye; Hendrickson aye; Armstrong aye; Richardson aye; and Herzberg, aye.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Dan Davis, Engineer, met with the board requesting approval of a Title Sheet for HMA Resurfacing on J-18 from L-68 to M-16 Project #STP-S-CO36(70) -- 5E-36.  Motion to approve made by Hickey, Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Hickey to not approve a Construction Evaluation Resolution.  Motion carried unanimously.

The board reviewed a 28 E Agreement with the City of Sidney for contracting law enforcement services with the Sheriff’s Department.  The board also would like see the new position linked to the City of Sidney and to add that any academy training would be an additional expense to the City of Sidney.  Motion was made by Hickey to do the monies like what is on the contract and to be fair to have them pursue hiring somebody to cover that position pending the additional documentation.  Hendrickson said he has to disagree with hiring a new deputy and feels the county could do the agreement without hiring a new deputy so his vote was no.  Morgan said she does not have a problem with the contract as long as City of Sidney is paying for all expenses for the coverage.  Hendrickson, nay; Hickey, aye; Morgan, aye.    

Motion was made by Hendrickson to turn the oversite duties of a new custodian to Arnold Emberton, IT, and pay him an additional $4,000 a year to take on the duties.  Motion carried unanimously.       

Motion was made by Hickey to approve the Cancellation of Tax Sale Certificate on Parcel 450450093000000.  Motion carried unanimously.   

Susan Shepheard, Fremont-Mills School Secretary, met with the board requesting support for Fremont-Mills new Community Auditorium project. They have an opportunity to apply for a Vision Iowa Grant to help support the Auditorium.  Shepheard is asking the county to contribute $10,000 to show their support of the project.  The board of supervisors said the funding should be approved through the Tourism board.  Hickey made a motion to sign the following Resolution with the change to give support without monetary value.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Resolution 2016-7

Fremont County Board of Supervisors

At the meeting of the Fremont County Board of Supervisors on January 26, 2016 the following resolution was proposed and approved by the board:

Resolved: WHERAS, the mission of the Fremont County Board is to support activities and growth of and in the county of Fremont;

WHERAS, we believe the construction of an auditorium in Tabor (FM/Community Auditorium) will improve community attraction and tourism in the county of Fremont; That the Fremont County Board of Supervisors is in full support of a grant proposal to the FM/Community Auditorium for the expansion of the proposed auditorium from 290 to 350 seats.

Now therefore be it resolved to approve, adopt and authorize support for the expansion of said auditorium.




/s/ Joan Kirk 


/s/ Cara Morgan, Chairman


Fremont County Auditor


/s/ Earl Hendrickson




/s/ Randy Hickey


Hendrickson reported that the Fremont County Farm property needs extensive work on a washed out crossing and would like to advertise for bids to make the repairs.  Motion was made by Hickey to publish for bids in the Sidney Argus and Hamburg Reporter.  Motion carried unanimously.    

Mike Crecelius, E M C, stopped by to visit with the board. 

At 10:15 a.m. there being no further business, Hendrickson made a motion to adjourn.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fremont County Auditor                                                                                Cara Morgan, Chairman




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